Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oddities in the Brownback Camp

There have been many recent oddities in the Sam Brownback campaign. Please bear with the length of this post as it contains some important information.

In this post:
  • Votes Don't Matter?
  • Coalitions
  • Brownback on the Issues
  • Students for Brownback
  • Final Conclusion

Votes Don't Matter?

Let's begin by taking a look at Leon H. Wolf - Brownback's e-campaign coordinator. When that fact that Brownback missed 52% of the votes in January was brought up, Leon had the following to say.




Now Leon, Sam Brownback is paid to give the people of Kansas a voice in the Halls of Congress. What is more important than representing the people who elected you to office (ie doing your job). Can Brownback be expected to say something along the lines of those statements above? Does someone who isn't showing up to his current job really deserve a promotion?


On Sam Brownback's official website for his campaign, there is a section titled "Coalitions." The image below shows you what these coalitions are.


If you look closely, you'll see that "hispanics" are not referred to as "hispanic americans." He lists "Asian Americans" and "Jewish Americans," but not "Hispanic Americans."

This makes one wonder what hispanics Brownback is talking about. Does he mean hispanics who are citizens of the United States or is he talking about the ones who are illegal immigrants? Judging by Brownback's previous statements, I have a hard time believing it's the former.

When asked what's at stake for the GOP with immigration reform, Brownback replied:

A lot of the future of the Republican Party will be appealing to Hispanic voters, a number of whom have very consistent values with the base of the party. But we've got to convince people that we want them. People do not see the immigration debate as something where we're appealing to Hispanic voters. That's why I went to the La Raza convention and spoke. We want Hispanic voters. But you've got to fight for voters.

In fact, this becomes even clearer when you look at his voting record on immigration.

Brownback on the Issues

Sam Brownback recently attended an event hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies institute titled "Conservatism on Tap." While this was supposed to be an intellectual event, it quickly turned into a campaign stop. Reports from the event state that Brownback arrived with pack of campaign staffers and that they began handing out "Brownback for President" stickers.

Perhaps the most shocking thing is what Brownback said during his speech. Take a look at the following images.


The following pictures come from comments on this note by Morgan Brooke Wilkins. Is this the same girl who formerly worked as a field rep for the College Republican National Committee? The same girl who was criticized by Howard Dean for promoting the "catch an illegal immigrant" event? It is in fact the same girl. I find it kind of odd that someone who seemed to make illegal immigration her main issue is now supporting a candidate who wants to raise immigration levels and grant an amnesty to those here in violation of the law. Very strange indeed.


Brownback cited the "health and wellness clause" when it doesn't even exist. Nice. Buying cars for poor people? Sounds like a big government answer coming from someone who claims to be the only true conservative candidate.


Another witness claiming Brownback cited a non-existent clause.

Students for Brownback

Ah yes, Students for Brownback. There have been some interesting things happening with this group. Read the following and see for yourself.


In the above image, you can see the disclaimer provided on the website of Students for Brownback. They are not "not affiliated, coordinated, or approved" by Brownback's campaign, Brownback himself, or any of his "organization's affiliates, or candidate committees." Seems to be a group of students who just like Sam and think he should be the next president. It also appears that they aren't connected to the campaign in any sort of way.


In the above image, you see a picture of Billy Valentine's Facebook profile. He lists himself as the National Chairman of Students for Brownback. However, it appears he has "the best boss ever." I thought Billy was in charge of this group? Students for Brownback is "not affiliated, coordinated, or approved" by Brownback or Brownback for President right?


Yes Ryan, that is because they probably are part of the campaign. After all, as you can see here, Billy was working with the campaign in Florida.

Speaking of Florida, see the next image...


Why was the unaffiliated chairman going to Florida with the campaign if he's truly unaffiliated?

Image #5

Why is a group that is not connected to the Brownback campaign soliciting for the campaign's political director? Why is the Political Director using an unaffiliated group to solicit for "externships?" They seem very unorganized. Why don't they just hire a Youth Coordinator or something along those lines? Or, is Billy Valentine and "Students for Brownback" just that? You be the judge.


Now here is where things get really interesting.

A little background information: Sam Brownback seems to avoid bringing up the immigration issue. In fact, he does not even list "immigration" as an issue on his official campaign website.


In fact, the only time Brownback mentions immigration on his campaign website is under the Hispanic section. Does Brownback think immigration only matters to Hispanics?

In this screenshot, he appears to support high immigration levels.


After the immigration issue was brought up on the Brownback for President Facebook group that Billy Valentine created, the above post appeared with a link to the "official" stance. At this time, the "official" stance has yet to be released on Brownback's campaign website.

Why is an unaffiliated student group releasing "official" positions from the Brownback for President campaign that have yet to appear on the campaign website? In addition to the fact that releasing official statements through a student group on Facebook is very unorganized, there is further evidence that the two groups may be connected after all.


Image #8

Image #9

Image #10

Image #11

Image #12

According to Billy Valentine, this is Brownback's "official" immigration stance from "the campaign."


After Billy Valentine removed the previous information from his Facebook group, he decided to offer "Brownback's stance" via email. At that point, a friend of mine decided to email him.

IMAGES #14-16

Image #14

Image #15

Image #16

So let me get this straight. The only way I can get information on Brownback's immigration stance, as provided by his campaign's Political Director (Gillespie), is to email a college student named Billy Valentine who runs an unaffiliated organization called Students for Brownback?

Can you say "unorganized campaign?"

And why is this unaffiliated group releasing information from the campaign's Political Director when it isn't even on the official campaign website?

Well, it appears that the two groups are affiliated. The Brownback for President campaign also appears to be highly unorganized. Now, let's move onto some rather shocking statements made by Billy Valentine.


Judge lest you be judged.


Gay bashing. How professional.


Disliking Romney is one thing. Writing something this unprofessional is another.


So what about all the illegal immigrants who aren't Catholic? Are those the ones you want to kick out?


This image was sent to me by someone I know. How professional Billy.



Final Conclusion

This blog is not here to talk bad about candidates, but all angles need to be discussed. The race for President is not just another race. It is not just something else to do because you're a "born leader" and you think its the final step on the ladder of ambition. In the first blog, I featured Senator Sam Brownback.

My recommendation to Sam Brownback is, "boy, you're" not "gonna be president." Please, save your dignity and get out now. Concentrate on representing the people of the great State of Kansas instead.